Thursday, March 8, 2007

Why Asians are so Skinny

I have yet to cook anything for myself yet, partially because I don't know where anything is and also because I'm lazy. However, all the places that I've been to give you small servings! Or maybe I just eat a lot? In either case, it does the job and it keeps me full but I'm just accustomed to stuffing my face. Also, the fruit is so expensive here! I bought four oranges for 117NT and two apples for 140NT (they were big apples though). That is just robbery.

Speaking of robbery, after my interview with the new school today, the 'big boss' drove me home. He just picked up his new car today, which was a Volkswagen Touareg. In the US, the car would cost about $40,000 but he paid about 2,250,000NT for his (~$80,000). That is just ridiculous. He says it's because of taxes and I told him he should just move to America.

I've been calling up other schools for jobs but have been getting the "I'm sorry we don't hire non-whites". Ah well. So instead, I started reading up on games I could play with the kids at school I'm at now and one of the games I stumbled upon was called "Dying Fish". This is how you play the game: "Each team has a fishbowl in it. (Either real or fake). If students say correctly, add a little water to the bowl. If they say incorrectly, take some of the water out of the bowl. If all the water is gone, then the fish die, and the other team is the winner." Poor fish.


sleepy dreamer said...

OMG.....ya ya....I remember that too....whether it was just bought or stale...good ol Dah-Lo would eat it! =)

Anonymous said...

Irwin keep complaining that he is getting so fat since I bought so much food but nobody except him is eating them now that Vincent is at the residence. He wish Daryl is still in Toronto.