Sunday, March 4, 2007

Getting My Feet Wet

Today I got up, pooped (they was square toilet paper which are kinda like Kleenex), showered, ate instant noodles for breakfast (yum) and started walking aimlessly outside just to see what the area was like. It was 80 degress and sunny so it got kinda hot. I tried to find a map but all of them were in some foreign language for some weird reason so I gave up on that. I got hungry and tried to order some noodles but didn't know how so I went into the first bakery I saw and got a Chinese bun instead. I was still hungry.

I called up my aunt's friend (who doesn't speak much English, btw) to see where I could get a legible map. They told me they'd drop one off for me at my apartment but I wasn't there and had to head back. Now, the problem was I had no idea where I was and I had no map. Time to bust out my piece of paper with the address on it and ask random people. I eventually got home and got the map. They also drove me around where I live and showed me a bank, the mall, some schools, the supermarket, and some good places to eat. We stopped by one of the places and they got me some noodles cause ya know, they know how to order it and all. We also went to the supermarket where I got normal people toilet paper and some cleaning supplies for the condo. They dropped me off at home and left. I napped for a bit, woke up, tried to find jobs on the Internet, and am now going back to sleep.

1 comment:

your baby sister said...

Thank you for telling us about your bowel movements. Please expound.