Friday, March 9, 2007

The Minimum Wage

"The government does not have a set minimum wage, but a basic wage in its Labor Standards Law serves the minimum wage function. The basic wage set per month is NT$15840, and has not been readjusted since 1997. The calculated basic hourly wage is NT$66 (US$2)." That is just ridiculous. How are people supposed to live on that when two apples cost 140NT??

I went to my other job today and the classes were a lot bigger. I have three classes in a row and they are a lot harder to control than my classes at the other school because of the size. Hopefully I can adjust.

I was exploring today and used a different exit from my apartment complex than what I usually use. I walked down the street for about a minute looking for food and saw and English school. I went inside to see if they had any jobs available and apparently they might have a full-time job available (still won't have to get up until at least 11am!) but I'm not too sure if it'll work out. I really hope so because the language center is right outside of my apartment building but I'll still be okay with my current setup.

After that I found a nice restaurant where the people were REALLY excited to meet a foreigner. I have a strange feeling they did something to my food though. They're probably bitter about the minimum wage!!


Unknown said...

Oh my god.

What're you, nuts? A different exit? I hope you sharpened your machete before you left Canada, the untamed underbrush you'll surely encounter will only be a hinderance to the many adventures you'll encounter!

Anonymous said...

I am one of your fans of your blogger....I read your blog everyday, it was kind of disappointed as I didn't see the one for March 10. You must have a really good Sat...I suppose.

An old man from Richmond Hill.