Sunday, March 18, 2007

St. Patty's Day

I decided to give the private tutoring thing a try yesterday so I got up early and went in. It's not so bad and all you have you have to do is read and play games. I was really tired after tutoring but I decided to go to Taipei instead of going home to sleep.

I got into Taipei and the first thing I did was go back to the little camera district where I bought a digital camera. It's a pretty nice camera that was selling for 2500NT more at other stores than the store where I found it.

While I was looking around, I saw a food stall that had a verryyy long line so I lined up not knowing what they were selling and bought a bun. These buns had some type of meat inside but were sooo good because they were cooked a special way.

For the rest of the day, I went to a couple malls and looked around. After than, I met up with AC and some other people at a pub where they were giving away FREE Guinness from 8pm-10pm. I stayed there till 10:30pm and actually caught the bus back home this time. I took a taxi to the St. Patty's Day party that those Canadians were having and ended up sleeping on their couch and ended up taking a bus home in the morning.

1 comment:

sleepy dreamer said... got a camera...I wanna see more pics of the city!! you don't have an excuse for your blog to be boring now!!! =P