Saturday, March 3, 2007

My Arrival

So I always thought blogs were kinda nerdy but I guess if you're thousands of miles away from home and don't know anyone who knows what you're saying, it's a good way to kill time. Let me say there are better ways to spend your time on the Internet besides reading this so continue at your own risk.

I got into today around 9:30pm and needed a taxi to get to where I was going. There were signs at the airport pointing to the direction of where the taxis were supposed to pick people up and when I walked over there, some guy came up to me and asked if I needed a taxi. "Yeah." However, I needed to tell the taxi driver where I was going and obviously I don't know any Mandarin so he knew right away that I wasn't from the area. I busted out my piece of paper with the address on it and showed it to him and asked him how much. "600NT." ($1US = 33NT) "Okay, let's go." So this dude starts walking in the opposite direction of where the taxi sign was pointing and I was like wait a minute...this is kinda sketchy, he might either rob/kill me, or make it a lot easier for me to poop. So I was like PEACE and went to where the sign was pointing and found a cab that only cost me 350NT. I read about people trying swindle you if you were a "foreigner" but I figured I'd be okay as long as I didn't say too much since I'm Asian but I guess I was wrong. Crazy Asians...

When I got out of the taxi I met up with my aunt's friend who hooked me up with a cellphone, some cash, and the keys to a condo. I got some instant noodles and water at the 7/11 and I was good to go. I got to my condo and a dog ran up to me and I was about to play dead or something but it was all good cause I think all it wanted was some food. There are a lot of stray dogs here. The condo is pretty nice but it was a bit dirty since no one has lived there for a while It's a 3 bedroom/2 bath and has cable and internet already hooked up and I'm living there by myself. Time to sleep.

1 comment:

sleepy dreamer said...

Hey cuz!!! Nice Blog!! Post some pics!!! =)