Sunday, March 11, 2007

Getting Lost, Again

Yesterday I went to Taipei to do some exploring. I'm going to wait until it's sunny outside and until I ever get a camera before going to the temples and other outdoorsy stuff. The first thing I did was go to Xi Men Ding, which is a bunch of little shops contained within an eight-branched intersection. They sell a lot of clothes, shoes, sun glasses, food, and it also has a little alley where people were getting tattoos.

Next, I went to Taipei 101, which is a shopping mall with a bunch of higher end stores like Lacoste, Gucci, Prada, etc. Taipei 101 has a fantastic food court on the bottom level where you can pretty much order anything you want. Right next and connected to Taipei 101 is the world's tallest building and if you go to the top floor of the shopping center you can buy a ticket for the observatory and there are elevators which will take you to the top of the other building. I didn't go but might try it before I leave.

While I was at Xi Men Ding I asked someone where they knew I could get a cheap camera. They said that the cheapest cameras were around this one MRT station so I ventured there next. They really weren't kidding when they said this place had cheap cameras. The area had literally about 15 camera shops crowded around each other so there was fierce competition. I was looking around and found a 7.2 mega pixel camera that I was going to buy for 7000NT but then AC called and wanted to know if I wanted to meet up. So I decided to come back another time before I made my decision and I met up and hung out with AC and his girlfriend for a while. When I left, I got lost because I tried using a different bus stop to get back home and couldn't find it. I still don't know where it is but I'll figure it out eventually. I ended up having to take a taxi home so I guess I had to learn my lesson the hard way.


Unknown said...

yeaaaa taiwan, i don't know what you're trying to say in chinese when you say xi meng ding, we should go together sometime though

sleepy dreamer said...

OMG...finally some pics!! Sounds like you are having fun getting lost!! =)

Anonymous said...

You're blog is boring.

Get some pictures of girls up