Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Today was my first day teaching kindergarten. The youngest kid was 2 1/2 years old and it was pretty fun. They learned about the human body and the different parts (head, shoulders, arms, etc) and we sang "head and shoulders, knees and toes". After that I made them draw a picture of them and their family.

I taught from 1:30pm-8pm and was on my feet all day so it got pretty tiring because it was just one class after another. According to my boss I am now a very popular teacher (HAHA) and the kids like me, maybe because "I am attractive to them".........ANYways, apparently my teaching skills are improving so we'll see if I get any better.

The school that I did a demonstration at yesterday called me back and they are interested in hiring me as a full-time teacher. However, one of their branches is a 20 min car ride away from where I live but I don't have any transportation. I told them I don't want to commute to the other school and I'll be meeting with them tomorrow so we'll see what happens.

It's really funny when I try buying anything here. The person behind the register always thinks I'm a local because I'm Chinese. So when I start talking in Mandarin (or at least try to), they either realize that I'm not from around the area or that I have the mental abilities of a 4 year old, which is somewhat true.


your baby sister said...

Don't get me wrong, you're my favourite frat boy, but haha how could anyone possibly mistake you for a born and bred Asian?! Trusay.

kanasian said...

favorite is spelt with an "u" you canadian :D