Friday, March 16, 2007

More Work Hours

Apparently I am a half decent teacher. I just got a call from my boss at my second school and they want to give me extra hours teaching at the school (including more Kindergarten)! The 'big boss' even wants me to come in and tutor his kids 2-on-1. The problem is that he wants me to come in every Saturday from 9am-12:30pm and that'll cut into my sight-seeing/sleeping-in time. I don't really know what to do because I don't really want to but at the same time if I say no maybe it will piss him off. My trial period at the school ends today but since I'm getting some crazy feeling that they want me to stay I'm going to try to negotiate some more money. So right now I'm working 12 hours at one school, 5 hours at a second (soon to be 7), and if you tag on the private tutoring it'll be a total of 22.5 hours a week with Tuesday off.

I got offered a full-time teaching job from a third school. They're giving me 24 hours a week (but I would have to actually work 30 in reality). I don't think I'll take it because they have two schools. One is a 5 minute walk from my apartment but the other is a good 15 minute scooter ride away. I don't really like the boss either so that makes my decision a bit easier.

I went to get some lunch today and I passed my a stall that sold buns with beef and onions inside. The guy warned me that it was hot so I let it cool down a bit before I ate it. When I took my first bite, hot beef juice squirted out and went up my nose and if anyone was watching they were probably laughing their butts off. I know I would be. I think my nose is burnt...

UPDATE: Got a raise from 600NT to 650NT per hour at the second school

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