Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Getting Bored

I did a demonstration today for an hour for another school to show my teaching skills and got paid 600NT so it wasn't so bad. I'm still new to the teaching game and I don't know how to teach that well so the boss at the school said I needed to teach with more energy. We'll see if I get offered a job.

Since I usually don't have to work on Tuesdays, I got kind of bored sitting at home after my demonstration so I decided to walk around for a bit. I found another night market which was a lot better than the other one I was going to. This night market sells a lot more food, clothes, and even has little carnival games. I got some food and kept walking around. Amazingly, I didn't get lost this time even though I walked for an hour or so. As I was walking, I passed by a bar with some white people but decided to keep walking instead. So I walked a bit further up the street and say a bunch of these little shops with a girl working in the front who was barely dressed. My first thought was that these little shops were brothels so I turned around before I bumped into any trouble because who knows what kind of people hang around that area. I didn't want to go home just yet so I walked back to the bar where I saw the white people and I went inside out of curiosity. I started talking to the group and a bunch of them were from Toronto so it was pretty cool and I stayed there for a while just talking about random stuff. Also, they told me that the places that I passed by weren't brothels. They were actually sort of like convenience stores and the girls barely had any clothes on because they do more business that way. Anyway, I'm obviously back home now and might go hangout with the group of people that I met later.

By the way, people here drive on the right side of the road and the steering wheel is on the left side which I thought was kind of weird because I always thought in Asia the driver sat on the right. Weird.

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