Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What I Do All Day

I got a bike the other day from someone who is just letting me borrow it so I can get to and from work a lot faster now. However, I'm a bit nervous that I'm going to get hit by a car or a scooter sooner or later. People here either leave their bikes unlocked or they just lock the back wheel to the frame so they back wheel can't turn. So if you wanted to, you could drive up in your car and just throw the bike in your trunk and take it off when you were at home. I'm not as trusting as the Taiwanese (I think it's because I lived in Cleveland) so I still lock my bike to poles.

I went to teach at my new kindergarten the other morning and there were a few other foreign teachers there. As it turns out, I had met them the previous weekend because they were friends of the Canadian girls. Small island...

Tutoring on Saturday morning is a very easy job even though I have to get up pretty early. I played snakes and ladders with Nelson for about 2 hours and just talked to Julia for another 2. It's very relaxed and their parents even bought me lunch. I get snacks when I'm at normal work as well so I'm always well fed.


All in all life is pretty easy going right now. Work doesn't really seem like work and it's just playing with kids. These pictures were taken today and it pretty much shows a normal day of "work" for me.

Jenga: Spell a word, take a brick.

Jeffrey learning about teeth (a bit ironic).

Aerial view of one of my "kindy" classes.

My six year old stalker.


sleepy dreamer said...

Your stalker is cute!!! =)

your baby sister said...

Your stalker looks a bit like Dina.