Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's About Time

I haven't updated recently because of a combination of my being lazy and busy. I've also been sick for the past couple of weeks. I'm still coughing and right now my throat hurts so maybe I will go to a Taiwanese doctor.

One of the Canadian teachers at one of my school had a family emergency so she went home last week and I had to work 9am-12pm, Monday-Friday while she was gone. She was gone for about a week and a half but is back now until the last week of May so I will have to start working mornings again starting May 28th. My cousin Vincent is here now and he's trying to give the English teaching thing a try. If he doesn't find a job before I start my morning classes, I'll probably give my afternoon classes to him.

I'm might go to Thailand at the end of this month to look around, apply for a new Taiwanese visa, and visit a friend. Hopefully the Taiwanese consulate approves my visa request so I can stay in Taiwan until August. When I go, I will be missing one day of class but it should be okay if Vincent can substitute for me.

Vincent and I have been walking a lot going to different places. We've walked around Nankan (which is where we live) and we've been to Taipei a few times. I showed him Taipei 101 and Xi Men Ding. He also knows the bus schedule and the stops so now he can go to the city whenever he wants.

Today we went to the mountains and walked around. The weather was absolutely beautiful last week; it was the perfect temperature with just the right amount of breeziness. Now it is slowly starting to get more humid but today still wasn't that bad. We also went to a place called Fisherman's Wharf where we crossed the "Bridge of Lovers." Sometimes we get lonely and one thing leads to another...

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